Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Well, I haven't been able to get a minute to call NCTM to figure out my password problems, so I haven't been able to post that article. However, I decided to check out the interactive smart boards- their website has a bunch of articles on research- it sounds like some of the research is action research. Here's one:

It is about how using using the smart board helps to increase communication and cooperation by using game software. The author put kids in groups and let them play as one person would play on one computer. Hmmm....interesting ideas.

Another part of the website has a traveling bear activity. Here's the link. I have a traveling bear with a math problem for classes. I have been thinking about video taping the lesson with the kids, and posting it for other classes (ie teachers) to see. I'll check out more details of this tomorrow. Not enough hours in the day. Here's the link:
Good night!


Kristin said...

Smartboards are such a wonderful tool! I have one in my room that I love using. Recently we've been using it for math (I'm beginning to think I've posted this somewhere already. If so, disregard this repeat) doing word problems. The students have a copy of the problems in front of them and we work together using the smartboard to highlight the question, circle key words, underline the information, and solve the problem.

The kids are really excited and it's such a visual tool to help them learn. My next step is learning how to use the record feature so that I can have students who don't understand play the lesson back on the computer as review. I also want to find a computer microphone so that I can record my voice so that students can also listen to the lesson.

Other lessons I've done with the smartboard are using Google Earth to teach geography and vocabulary, as well as creating slide shows of pictures to generate background knowledge for writing.

At a workshop yesterday afternoon we learned about a program called ClassScape that is an online assessment and there are many things that can be done with that using the smartboard to asses the students as a whole class.

cbolick said...

Hi Renee
Thanks for your blog address. I'm glad to see that you are now up and running!
I loved seeing in your email that you tried the activity with some kids and it went well!
You are in a tremendous position within your leadership job to influence change. I'm curious to know how you can impact change related to technology as a curriculum leader in your system?

Nan Lujan said...

It sounds like you have tried lots of really interesting activities with your students using the smartboard. I really enjoy having mine. Have you tried creating any lessons of your own using the smartboard software?